Re: gtk1.2.10 installs

Thank-you for your advice, Sven! I used it, and investigated config.log. That file led me to alter the gnome-libs configure file until I determined the problem, which in-turn indicated my own lack of attention to detail: After I installed X system, I failed to update my /etc/ file to enable location of X libraries.

The error that led me to believe the GTK version was at fault was misleading - that was simply the result of it having no access to one of the X library files. I edited /etc/, and after one other un-related bug, I successfully configured and installed gnome-libs-!

Thanks again for the good advice that prevented me pursuing the incorrect path to fix my problem!

At 02:32 PM 12/13/2001 +0100, you wrote:

subscriptions <bowmanmail mindspring com> writes:

> I am trying to install graphics with Gnome on a "Linux from scratch"
> pentium box (No graphical capability until I install it).  I have
> installed X, and proceeded to try creating Gnome from source code.  My
> attempt to configure gtk+-1.2.10 result in these libraries:  libgtk.a,
>, and  When I attempt to configure
> gnome-libs-, I receive an error which causes failure, "checking
> for GTK -version >= 1.2.0... no."
> My commands (as root) for the gtk library are:
>       ./configure                     \
>               --prefix=/usr           \
>               --sysconfdir=/etc       \
>               --localstatedir=/var/   \
>               --infodir=/usr/share/info       \
>               --mandir=/usr/share/man \
>               --with-gnu-ld           \
>               --disable-nls           \
>               --disable-xim
>       make check
>       make
>       rm -rf /usr/include/gtk
>       make install
>       ldconfig
> A ls check of the /usr/lib directory indicates the libraries mentioned
> above, and symbolic links:
> ->
> ->
> Why is this 0.9.1 appended to the end of the library?  It seems to be
> the reason gnome-libs- is failing to configure.
b> I even tried doing a "make distclean" and repeating the proceedure,
> with the same results.

the library version is just fine, believe me (I tried to explain the
libtool library versioning scheme in this mail but ended up confusing
myself too much). There has to be another reason. Why don't do you
have a look at config.log and check if has more details why the check
failed. Perhaps gtk-config is not in your PATH ?

Salut, Sven
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