Regarding Dialog windows


I am facing some problem while poping up a window on another window...

I have one window ( top level ) and some buttons. when I press a button,

a Dialog window has to come on this top level window from the bottom ie.

it should have sliding effect on the previous window from the bottom...
How can I do this ?

right now I am using these options for the Dialog window... is this
correct or what changes should I have to do for this....

Dialog_widget = gtk_window_new( GTK_WINDOW_DIALOG );
gtk_widget_set_usize( Dialog_widget, 240, 300 ),
gtk_widget_set_uposition( Dialog_widget, 0, 0 0 );
gtk_container_set_border_width( GTK_CONTAINER( Dialog_widget ), 5 );

Thanks In Advance,,,,

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