Re: gif object?

When I saw the word "banner", I thought the original poster was refering
to animated gifs. If not, I'll make it my question:

Does gdk_pixbuf support loading animated gif's and mng's automatically
into GdkPixbufAnimation's yet?

	= Loban

On 27 Aug 2001 14:56:21 +0930, Thomas Mailund wrote:
> On Mon, 2001-08-27 at 14:43, gulshan wrote:
> > hi all
> > 
> > How do I create  a gif or jpeg as a GTK banner object
> > in my gui.
> You can use gdkpixbuf.  See attached file for an example.
> Disclaimer: I am not completely sure that I am doing it the right way in
> the example, but it works for me...
> 	/mailund

|   Loban Amaan Rahman  <-- anagram of -->  Aha! An Abnormal Man!   |
|  loban earthling net, loban ugcs caltech edu,  |

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