Re: how does C perform OOP using GTK+

Akshay, OOP is a programming methodology, not necessarily a language
property. One can do oop programming in C just like someone can do
simple procedural programming in C++. Granted, some languages have built
in syntactic sugar that aids oop, while others don't have as much.

If you look up the source for gtk+, as well as some simple example
programs using it, you'll see how it is done in an oop way. ;-)

Have fun,

On 19 Aug 2001 10:51:49 +0000, Akshay Salkar wrote:
> I though Buttons, Pointers, Menues, etc. were all done using Object
> Orientation.
> Plus all this Widget stuff was a concept of OOP. Then how come it is
> done using C, which is structured language. I thought it would be C++
> which would be a preferable language for making all GTK+ apps.?

|   Loban Amaan Rahman  <-- anagram of -->  Aha! An Abnormal Man!   |
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