Re: Question on Unusual widget

Ron Steinke wrote:
> > From: Brad House <brad mainstreetsoftworks com>
> >
> > I've got a question. This is what I need to do.  I've
> > got a magnetic card reader (like a credit card reader)
> > and I need to take the Track Data off of the magnetic
> > strip.  I've got the device that does it, and the way
> > it works is that it acts like a keyboard -- it plugs
> > into the PS2 port and simply outputs the text when
> > swiped.
> >
> > I need something that I can pop up in a window
> > and say
> >
> >
> > without any text from the magnetic data being
> > viewable when the card is swiped (I don't want
> > the user to know what data is stored on the
> > card)
> >
> > The swipe mechanism does hit a return character
> > at the end.
> >
> > Is it possible to maybe bring up a dialog with a hidden
> > text box, but let that text box have focus (even though
> > you can't see it?) or will I have to create my own widget?
> > and how would I accomplish this?
> Why do you want to include a hidden text box? There's no
> reason the dialog needs to know anything about the data you're
> reading in.
> Ron Steinke

I don't need the hidden text box, but I don't know how to
accomplish it was just some odd idea I had...but
from your response...I assume it was a bad idea.

Any suggestions on how to accomplish my task??

Brad House
Sr. Developer
Main Street Softworks, Inc.

brad mainstreetsoftworks com
(352) 378-8228

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