Question on Unusual widget

I've got a question. This is what I need to do.  I've
got a magnetic card reader (like a credit card reader)
and I need to take the Track Data off of the magnetic
strip.  I've got the device that does it, and the way
it works is that it acts like a keyboard -- it plugs 
into the PS2 port and simply outputs the text when

I need something that I can pop up in a window
and say  


without any text from the magnetic data being 
viewable when the card is swiped (I don't want
the user to know what data is stored on the 

The swipe mechanism does hit a return character
at the end.

Is it possible to maybe bring up a dialog with a hidden
text box, but let that text box have focus (even though
you can't see it?) or will I have to create my own widget?
and how would I accomplish this?

It's really confusing me.

Brad House
Sr. Developer
Main Street Softworks, Inc.

brad mainstreetsoftworks com
(352) 378-8228

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