RE: gtk and system

do you have any example code.  I added waitpid and it still does not 

PS thanks for your help and here is what I did:

for(count = 0; count < length; count++)
  row = (int)g_list_nth_data(GTK_CLIST(display_tasks)->selection, count);
  /* sequentially get row to stop */
  strcpy(stop_task,"kill -9 ");
  printf("execute command: %s \n",stop_task);

  if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
    perror("fork error");
    result = -1;
    exe_status = FALSE;
  else if(pid == 0)
    if(execl("/bin/sh","sh","-c",stop_task,(char *) 0) < 0)
      perror("execlp error");
  if(waitpid(pid,NULL,0) != pid)
    printf("wait error \n");

} /* end for */

Any good examples I can look at.  This piece of code goes through a CLIST 
and get the row the user has selected and attempts to stop that task.
Thanks ahead of time for your help.

-----Original Message-----
From:	Lance Capser [SMTP:lmc cyberhighway net]
Sent:	Tuesday, October 10, 2000 11:28 AM
To:	Matt Eisemann
Cc:	gtk-list gnome org
Subject:	Re: gtk and system


    Under UNIX, child processes will wait around until notification that 
parent is "aware" of the childs <defunct> status.  In the GTK application,
after you kill the child's PID, execute a waitpid() on the child's process 
allow the system to clean up all the child's resources.  You can choose to
stop execution in the parent and wait for the child to die, or simply get 
status and continue.  Either way, the child process will go away and you
won't be left with a bunch of zombie processes lying around.


Matt Eisemann wrote:

> > ----------
> > From:         Matt Eisemann[SMTP:MEISEMANN DSRNET COM]
> > Sent:         Tuesday, October 10, 2000 8:59:34 AM
> > To:   gtk-list gnome org
> > Subject:      gtk and system
> > Auto forwarded by a Rule
> >
> This may not be a gtk problem, but let me explain my problem.  I have an
> GTK+ application which starts processes using fork and execle, which 
> great.  I save the process id (pid) of that process .  Later on, a user
> pushes a button called 'stop tasks' and when called it concatenates the
> 'kill' command with the saved pid.  Below is some basic code.
> When I try to kill the processes I started the system command does not
> return an error code but the process consistently goes into a <defunct>
> mode instead of dying.  However, when I leave my GTK+ application, the
> <defunct> process does die.  But why not immediately.  Is this a gtk
> problem, or a UNIX limitation or is the fact that I started the processes
> with the GTK application cause some sort of a parent - child 
>  Thanks ahead of time for your help.
> sprintf(process_id,"%d",tasks->task_list[row].process_id);
> strcpy(executable,"kill -9 ");
> strcat(executable,process_id);
>   system(process_id);
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  ___                                          Lance Capser
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    /\____\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \____\         E-Mail: lmc cyberhighway net
    \/____/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/____/            Phone: (208) 461-0222
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 "If DOS had been better in the first place, I might not have started 
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