Re: Can't install GTK+ 1.2.8


I am fairly new to Linux and wouldn't be very good at debugging anything
from the log.

Config log:


Wolfgang Sourdeau wrote:
> La plume légère, à Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 07:44:19PM -0700, heure d'inpiration,
> Patrick Clinger écrivait en ces mots:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Every time I try to install GTK+ 1.2.8 ./configure fails.  Everything
> > does well until it says "Checking for X" and then it fails ("Checking
> > for X... no").  I have Glib 1.2.8 installed, if that info helps any.
> As we are not running your system, it is difficult for us to imagine what
> could be the real reason. When you have such a problem, use the tail command
> on the config.log file to see what causes it.
> If afterwards you still can't find a good reason, tell the list by including
> the content of your config.log.
> Wolfgang
> --
> A chicken is an egg's way of producing more eggs.

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