Re: Difficult structure

Meghal Harish Varia <varia ecf utoronto ca> writes:
> _______________________________________________
> |                             |               |
> |                             |               |
> |                             |               |
> |                             |     Buttons   |
> |                             |               |
> |                             |               |
> |      Drag Destination       |               |
> |                             |               |
> |                             |---------------|
> |                             |               |
> |                             |               |
> |                             |   Drag Source |
> |                             |               |
> |                             |               |
> -----------------------------------------------
> >From this layout, you can see that items (rectangles) can be dragged from
> the source to the destination.  While being dragged, they can also go
> through the button space.
> To make the whole area "draggable", I think I have to make it a
> GtkDrawingArea.. however, since the drawing area is not a container, how
> do I add the buttons?

If you use the GTK drag and drop stuff, instead of manually
implementing dragging on a drawing area, it will solve the problem.
It is a bit tricky to figure out, but the testdnd.c example that comes
with GTK is reasonably straightforward.


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