Re: fork and gtk

Perhaps __clone is an alternative. But I can't seem to grasp why one
would like to use fork() instead of threads for GUI apps. It seems
like you want to incorporate 2 different apps into 1.


On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, Matt Eisemann wrote:

> Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 11:49:44 -0400
> From: Matt Eisemann <meisemann dsrnet com>
> To: "'gtk-list gnome org'" <gtk-list gnome org>
> Subject: fork and gtk
> Currently I am hjaving a problem with using fork() and the following should 
> explain better what example or what I am trying to do.  If the fork() 
> function is used in the function of main(), then 'fork()' is recognized but 
> not if used in another function.
> With regard to the fork() command.  The following is some source code
> but it may just be some compilation problem and not a gtk problem.
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <sys/wait.h>
> void quit(GtkButton *was_clicked, gpointer user_data)
> {
>   pid_t pid;
>   pid = fork();
>   g_print("bye\n");
>   gtk_main_quit();
> }
> if fork is used in this function, I get a warning that 'implicit 
> declaration of fork() function' or something similar.  However, if fork() 
> is used in
> the main function ie
> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
>   pid_t pid;
>   pid = fork();
> }
> seems to compile and work fine.  Is this a gtk limitation that it needs to 
> work in main.  And I am not permanently putting fork() in my quit function, 
> although I did try it and got the same warning so it seems like all 
> functions are like this.
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