Re: gtk_entry_set_text() and very fast updates

David Ford <david linux com> writes:
> Question, I have need to update an entry box on the order of ~200ms
> intervals.  Using gtk_entry_set_text() only seems to grow in memory
> usage.
> [...]
>    commaval=commafy(tuples);
>    sprintf(temp, "%*s", 9, commaval);
>    free(commaval);
>    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(count_field), temp);
> [...]
> Consider this the body of a loop.  Yes, I'm new to gtk starting last
> wednesday evening.  Can someone recommend a leak proof method other than
> widget de/construction?

If you're running that in a loop without ever running the GTK main
loop, the memory leak is probably just GTK queuing up more and more
redraws or something; try running the main loop once in a while.


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