Re: Help with shaped widgets

Adam Watson wrote:

AW> Hi,



AW> Also, I am using gtk+1.2.8 and tried using GnomeCanvas, GnomeAnimator, and
AW> GtkDrawingArea.  GnomeAnimator won't mask at all and GtkDrawing Area gives
AW> me an error sort of like this (writing this error from memory):

AW> assertion: "isdrawable" != NULL

AW> Please help,  I posted a similar request on the gnome-list and haven't
AW> recieved a response.

There  was  a  similar question recently in gtk-devel-app. The problem
was  that  the  user  was  drawing on the GtkDrawingArea before it was
realized.  I  don't  have  your  code,  but verify the widget is shown
*before* you use it (I mean, modify it).

AW> Thanks in advance,

Hope this helps,

AW> Adam


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