Re: proposal: handle middle/right clicks on arrows of scrollbarsdifferently

On Sun, 12 Nov 2000 13:48:24 EST, Owen Taylor said:
> I have just committed a change that makes the scrollbar arrows work
> like those on a spinbutton:
>  button-2 - move by pages
>  button-3 - move to end

Is there any easy way to make this configurable to be xterm-ish, i.e.

Button-1 move UP/LEFT by ratio of where you are in the scrollbar (near one end,
move 1/20th of a "page", near other move 19/20th, in middle move 1/2 page)

Button-2 move HERE.

Button-3 As button-1, but DOWN/LEFT

You get the idea - some of use have been using xterm-ish scrolling for over
a decade and the fingers are trained. ;)
				Valdis Kletnieks
				Operating Systems Analyst
				Virginia Tech

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