RE: [gtk-list] Re: Fundamental Problems...

The first thing that comes to mind is that you could pass a pointer to a 
structure holding your 3 variables.

BTW, I sympathize with your question not being answered.  One of my biggest 
pet peeves is when someone replies to one of my posts with a long, 
technical answer that does NOT answer the question I asked.  This has the 
doubly negative effect of preventing other people from bothering to answer 
the question, since they see that someone has already replied and assume 
the reply was actually useful.

Bill Hayden

-----Original Message-----
From:	Gottipati Aravind []
Sent:	Monday, May 08, 2000 5:27 PM
Subject:	[gtk-list] Re: Fundamental Problems...

But this still does not answer this question. How do I pass more than
one variable into the function. almost all functions I have seen let you
pass a single pointer (gpointer) into the callback function along with
the widget data.
Lets say I have 3 variables x, i and t. How do I pass these as data to a
typical callback function (I dont want to declare them as global

thank you

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