RE: [gtk-list] Main Window References Dialog Window(or vica vers

The "standard" way of doing this sort of thing is to pass a struct
containing the relevant data/pointers to the callback.

Return TRUE in the delete_event handler.


On 06-Mar-2000 George Deprez wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have a window which creates and pops up a dialog with an entry.
> When the OK button is pressed the callback obtains the entry
> data and MUST update data in the main window.
> What is the best way to exchange information between windows.
> Is there a way to get any top_level window by name?
> I  want to minimize the use  of globals.
> How about using object_set_data( Window1, "window2", window2);
> Am I wasting alot of memory doing this?
> Will I lose the data when a window is destroyed?
> Also, a side question -------------------------------
> How can I disable the destroy button on a dialog window?
> I want to force the users to use the OK and CANCEL buttons.
> //----------------------------------------------
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks,
> George.
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