question on clist

Hi guys,
I am trying to use a clist to display calculated data that are updated every ten seconds or so. The user can select a single row at a time from the clist and then the program uses the data. My problem is that if I use selection mode GTK_SELECTION_BROWSE, even if the user has not clicked on any row, the first row is highlighted. Once the user clicks on a row, when the clist updates the focus/highlighted row jumps up to the first row. If I use GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE, the initial highlight is not present, but every time the clist is updated, the selection is lost (no rows are selected). I'm updating the clist by calling freeze, clearing the clist, updating the clist and thawing it. I tried to save the row selection and set it right before I called thaw, but that didn't work either.
What am I doing wrong and/or does anyone have any suggestions about what I should do?
If you need more information, let me know.
Thanks in advance,
| Miranda Hawarden-Ogata             Email: |
| NASA IRTF, Institute of Astronomy  Phone: (808) 974-4206               |
| 1175 Manono St., Bldg 393            Fax: (808) 974-4207               |
| Hilo, HI 96720                                                         |

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