C question

I have a question about general C.
Cut down to the bone, the problem is:
I have defined af structure:

typedef struct {
   gchar *text;
} item;

In a function (a callback function) I define a variable of item and
assigns a value to the member variable text:

void some_function (...) {
   item temp;

   temp.text = "Some text that the user defines and changes from time to

The add_item function is declared in the same file, and in the same file
a global variable is defined, like this:

GList *items;

void add_item (item temp) {
   item *item_pointer;
   gint i;
   gchar *temp_text;

   item_pointer = (item*)g_malloc(sizeof(item));
   item_pointer->text = temp.text;

   items = g_list_append(items, item_pointer);

   for(i=0; i <= g_list_length(items) - 1; i++) {
     item_pointer = g_list_nth_data(items, i);
     temp_text = item_pointer->temp;

It is clear that I want to make a list that grows when i append items to
the list, and then I want, in the for loop, to show the text that is
stored in all the items in the list.
When I first time run the the hole thing, the right text is printed out,
but when I run the functions again with a different text, that text is
shown two times. It is like the first text I assigned is somehow lost,
and the *text pointer in the two elements in the items list is pointing
to the same text.
What is wrong with the code?? And how can I do i different so it works?


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