GtkEntry on Solaris

I am getting strange behavior from the GtkEntry widget on Sparc Solaris

The GtkEntry widget does not accept certain keystokes, specifically the
number 1 key. When the number 1 and 2 keys are type simultaneously the
fraction one-half is displayed. Likewise, when the numbers 3 and 4 are
type simultaneously the fraction three quarters is displayed.

I get this behavior when the application is displayed remotely on a PC
running Exceed or on the Solaris system. I do not however, get this
behavior when I run the application on the Solaris system and display it
remotely on a Linux system.

Stuart Whitman		Emergent Information Technologies, Inc
     703 645 8445	Metro Place
Fax: 703 641 7172	2600 Park Tower Drive, Suite 1000
			Vienna, VA 22180

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