Re: what is gtkextra ?

Hi Dipan! Hi ALL! :-)

On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Dipan Mehta wrote:

> what is gtk extra ?? 

GtkExtra is a FAN-TAS-TIC, VERY PRETTY and powerful collection of Widgets
made by Adrian Feiguin and others, that provides other graphic primitives
for Gtk and also spread sheet, icon lists, file lists, icon file
selection, etc. The current version is 0.99.9! It can be found at

> do i have to do any other installations ? are they already the part of
> exsisting gtk or is that a patch or something ???

You just need a running Gtk+ environment (no GNOME is needed). I really
can't understand why GtkExtra didn't get into the Gtk+-Mainstream yet.
It's really very good. I've been working with it quite a long without

Best regards,

Rafael (8-)

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