Hi Lupus,

Is there any chance of the GNOMEUIINFO stuff being bound in the near future? 

As more people develop apps, the use of Gnome::App and the related
GNOMEUIINFO menus generated by Glade is increasing. 

I am partially faking the menu items at the moment but this is a very
unsatisfactory (and incomplete) solution and I am getting more and more
problems reported. 

The only other option that I can see is to replicate the gnome-app-helper
stuff in perl but I reckon that this would be a nightmare to maintain.

If it is too complex to bind I will probably have to remove the Gnome::App
stuff from my perl source code generator and only allow Gtk+ apps to be 
built but I don't really want to do this unless absolutely necessary :(

Regards, Dermot

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