Re: [gtk-list] Re: help with text window

rhfreeman <> writes:

> Hi,
> > The lines between the rows of a CList (which sounds like what
> > you are talking about) are drawn in the color base[ACTIVE].
> Whats the method for doing this within the program then? I currently use
> this method....
> **
> style=gtk_style_new();
> if (bow==0)
> {
>   style->base[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]=window->style->white;
>   style->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]=window->style->black;
> }
> else
> {
>   style->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]=window->style->white;
>   style->base[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]=window->style->black;
> }
> for ( indx=0 ; indx < points ; indx++ )
> {
>   p[0]=gp[indx].l;
>   gtk_clist_insert( (GtkCList *) clist, indx, p);
>   gtk_clist_set_row_style(GTK_CLIST(clist), indx, style);
> }
> ***
> Basically it sets the clist entries to black or white (bow). If black is
> wanted, then bow==1. Then I have go through each entry I add to the list and
> alter its style.
> I get the same white stripes in the background when it is set to black - how
> do you get round this?

I don't think you can; the problem is that the color for the
stripes comes from the overall CList style instead of the row

Maybe the best you can do is to set the bg[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE]
for the list to be a neutral color like gray.


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