Re: [gtk-list] Re: CList updates

Sean Cody <umcodysw@cc.UManitoba.CA> writes:

> > The problem I am having is that whenever I use
> > gtk_clist_append I have to press a key or move the
> > mouse in and out of the window in order for this
> > change to be displayed. Do I need to force the
> > redisplay of the CList and if so how do I do that. 
> try freezing a thawing the clist..
> gtk_clist_freeze(GTK_CLIST(MyList));
> start_your_thread_adding();
> end_your_Athread_adding();
> gtk_clist_thaw(GTK_CLIST(MyList));
> This should fix it.

This a very expensive fix that, for one thing, is going
to cause extra flashing in the display. It's not clear
from the description what the structure of the application
is - how threads are being used without g_thread_init(),
so its hard for me to recommend a fix. In some cases,
while using threads, it is necessary to do a gdk_flush()
explicitely, but that generally only is going to
happen when you _are_ using g_thread_init().


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