Re: [gtk-list] Re: Piling notebooks...

Havoc Pennington wrote:

> Antonio Campos <> writes:
> > Does anybody know anyway of piling notebooks ala Java Swing mode?
> Not sure what this is, perhaps someone else can answer...

It's just piling two or more rows of notebooks sheets (when they are
horizontal, columns if they were vertical), like in the Display Properties
Dialog that appears in Windows 9x, when you press right mouse button over the
For things like that, piling notebooks is more user friendly that making a big
scrollable notebook.

> > By the way, does anybody knows how to be notified of the mouse cursor
> > entering the label widget of a sheet inside a notebook?
> > I have been able to attach the enter_notify_event and leave_notify_event
> > to the notebook widget, but with no luck with the sheets labels.
> > Does anybody know how to do this, or if this is even possible?
> > That would allow DnD support among sheets very easy... (I believe).
> >
> To do this, put the labels in an event box before supplying them as
> the tab widget.

I did that,  but two problems arise now:

*The label background color changes with respect to the others. (It takes
white color I think).
*Main problem: the label doesn't respond to mouse clicks (doesn't open the
corresponding child of the sheet). Strange problem, because with the tab key,
when one arrives at the label, and them press Space, the corresponding child
does open. I will send the mailing-list a copy of the program if nobody knows
an answer.

> Havoc
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