Re: [gtk-list] Re: select text in GtkLabels

Martin NorbXck <> writes:

> > I suppose it's wiser to make a custom wodget for that (like a GtkEditLine 
> > with no borders and the option to add text turned off, or better *with*
> > borders, so the user can see there's something special about it)
> Of course you can use a custom widget. But I want this behaviour for all
> labels. It is that way in Windows, and I think it's a great feature.
> The application using the label shouldn't need to worry what kind of
> label it is. And for those who don't want it maybe it could be turned
> off.

Actually, from what I've seen in Windows, there is a rand() % 1 somewhere -
the selection of which labels are selectable was beyond my ability to
figure out when I fooled around with that.
> There are of course problems, because labels are used for button texts
> and menus and all sort of things. But I'd still want it :)

My take on the matter is that this feature won't be added until
we start doing all event propagation ourselves in GTK+ instead of 
relying on X for that. Label widgets could not be window widgets
and have themes still work OK, and no-window widgets can't take

Changing over event propagation in that way is not going to happen
for the next release or two of GTK+ anyways. So, my take on the
issue is "yes, it would be nice, don't hold your breath". Pango
will move a lot of the selection logic to a lower level so
it shouldn't be too hard to implement once Pango is in GTK+
and the label widget is rewritten for that.


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