Re: [gtk-list] Can't preempt WM destroy event

John Kodis <> writes:
> What I'm having trouble with is when the subordinate window is closed
> using the window manager's "destroy" button, I'd like to preempt the
> destruction of the subordinate window, and just hide it instead.

Give up. "delete_event" is a request from the window manager that you
close your window, you can do what you want with it. Typically the
Destroy menu item on window managers just blows away the GdkWindow (or
calls XKillClient())and there is nothing you can do about it.
The whole purpose of this window manager action is to blow away broken
clients that are locked up or refuse to honor delete_event, so there 
is no way to override it. Sort of like getting SIGSEGV.

It looks like you were trying to stop the "destroy" signal of
GtkObject as well; you can't do this, once a destroy begins it can't
be stopped mid-stream, you get a half-destroyed object.


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