Re: [gtk-list] Accelerators

Jens Askengren <> writes: 
> Imagine a typical Yes-No dialog. Pressing enter will have the same effect
> as clicking on yes. Pressing escape will equal no.

Note that GnomeDialog already does these two for you...

> gtk_widget_add_accelerator (dialog, "delete-event",
> 			    accel_group, GDK_Escape, 0, 0);
> Why can't I do that?

Because delete-event requires an argument (the event), and there is no
argument available when the user presses escape.
> Should these accelerator require a modifier (ie GDK_MOD1_MASK) like
> menus do? 

GTK imposes no standard, and since few apps do this there's no
convention either. What does Windows do?


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