GdkFonts (or rather, fonts in X)

	I have some easy questions about using fonts in X (using Gdk).  
I'm hoping this documentation is online somewhere, if so please just give
me the URL.  I don't mean to seem like an idiot, but I've read what I
could find and I'm new to font handling in X.

	Regarding underlining, I take it that underlining is not part of
the font and I need to draw the line underneath the text myself?

	What are "TrueType" fonts (I've seen them on Microsoft computers
before)?  Are they anyhow different from "scalable" fonts in X?  Is it
possible to use "TrueType" fonts with Gdk?

	Is it possible to display scaled fonts with anti-aliasing?  If so,

	Let's say I let the user choose a font (by "family") to display
text in my application.  Something like, "Babelfish" or "Brand New".  I
also want them to be able to click on in "i" button to turn on italics, or
a "b" button to turn on bold.  And they should be able to choose the size
of the font.  Imagine something like Microsoft's Write program.

	Now, on my system, I only have the following installed:

-macromedia-brand new-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1

	I do not have "-i-" or "-b-" (italics or bold) versions of these
fonts on my system.  Does that mean I cannot display an italicized version
of this font?  I would have to remove both "Babelfish" and "Brand New"
from the font drop-down list in my application?

	Is it true that the *only* fonts I could let my user choose from
would be those which have "-b-" and "-i-" versions installed on their
system?  Is it like that with TrueType fonts?

	And regarding scaling:  If the font type is not "scalable", does
that mean the only font sizes the user can choose from are the ones they
have installed?  Can I "scale" a bitmap font?  I've seen some really
horrid (blocky, mis-sized) fonts in Netscape under Linux, implying that
you could scale bitmap fonts but that they will look like crap.  Is that

	Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank You,
Derek Simkowiak

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