Objective-C GTK+ Binding

Hi, I've got a couple of questions regarding the Objective-C bindings:

1) Is there any binding that doesn't require GNUstep or the Foundation
library (i.e., not based on NSObject) ? (the third link in the gtk
homepage is broken and I couldn't trace it)

2) Being pessimist about the answer on 1), how do I set an Objective-C
   method as a callback to a GTK+ signal, i.e.:

                      <how do I get a method address ?>, 
                      <instance pointer to object>);

Thank you.

          Felipe Paulo Guazzi Bergo, undergradute in Computer Engineering
        guazzibe@dcc.unicamp.br || bergo@seul.org || bergo@linuxstart.com
                                 Unicamp - Campinas - SP - Brazil - Earth
* Aibohphobia (n.): 1. Fear of palindromes. *

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