Re: [gtk-list] Re: pixmap engine question

  [ pixmap engine, pixmap buttons etc. ]

>It's not mean for that - it's meant to replace the bevels,
>not draw entire buttons.
>You could look up the sizes of your images in some other way and
>set_usize on the button the your desired sized, but that sounds rather
>In any case, you probably don't want to depend on your users
>having particular theme engines installed.

well, i don't rely on it per se. what i was trying to do was to use a
GTK rc file to replace an otherwise stupid widget
(Gtk_PixmapButton). Given that the only difference between a
PixmapButton and a regular button is what gets drawn in each state,
and since the rc files appear to have a syntax to specify this, i
mistakenly concluded that i could do this. my plan was that if the rc
file was not valid for a user (because they don't have the right
engine installed), they would use a simpler one (or none at all) and
end up with more "normal" looking buttons.

Havoc has complained in the past about the way that apps like XMMS use
their own "themeing"; the syntax in the engine rc files is tantalizing
close to what i would have expected if it was possible to avoid this
kind of thing.

i'm very disappointed to find out that they (theme engines) are really
much more restricted than this - they really just tweak widget
"decoration". err, except not really, since we have overall color
settings, as well as bg_pixmap stuff too. 

oh well, i guess i have to get Gtk_PixmapButton to be a complete clone
of Gtk_Button. sigh.


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