Re: GtkText 1.2.8 bug list

> I'm writing an application that will make extensive use of the GtkText
> widget.  My understanding from reading these mailing lists is that the
> current (1.2.8) version is quite buggy & unstable, and that the 2.0
> version will be vastly improved.  I have also seen it suggested that app
> developers use GtkExText.  I'm trying to decide whether to use the 1.2.8
> GtkText (and fix all the bugs), the latest CVS GtkText, or GtkExText. 
> To this end, I was hoping someone could tell me where to find a list of
> bugs reported against GtkText for 1.2.8.  I looked at,
> but could only find the list of open bugs.
> Also, if anyone has an opinion about what I should do, I'd love to hear
> it!

It depends on yer urgency, GtkText seems to work out for the most part.

The crashes and other unusual behavour happen when you freeze/thaw
the text widget.

Try not to do too many things while the GtkText is frozen, for example no
gtk_main_iteration() and no combinations of insert and delete while the
GtkText is frozen.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
-Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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