Re: Where can i get gtk 1.3.1

On Wed, 2 Aug 2000, M.N.S.S.K.Pavan Kumar wrote:

> Hi,	
> 	I have been reading the mails where reference to gtk1.3.1 is made.
> I did not even recieve any info about its release. Can you please tell me
> where I can get the new release if it is released.

 Here are locations:

GLib-1.3.1 and GTK+-1.3.1 are available from:

RPM packages of the unstable versions of GLib, FriBidi, Pango, and
GTK+ are available from:

Included are i386 RPMS and SRPMS for Red Hat 6.2. (The SRPMS will most
likely work on similar systems, the RPMS may work on similar systems.)

 Inm general, this list is searchable (via google :) and also has list
archive, so you can scan message index for July and get the message with

> Pavan

 Best regards,

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