Re: [gtk-list] Could GdkRgb solve my pixmap speed problem ?

> Hi there,
> I read something about GdkRgb and my question is:
> Can I perhaps copy with GdkRgb my 32 x 32 pixels pixmaps faster than
> with GTK copy pixmap ?
> Can I use a mask while copying with GdkRgb ??

The way I would do it, is instead of copying all the pixmaps onto the display,
build an RGB buffer (800*640 wasn't it?)and draw all your images to that then
draw the rgb buffer with GdkRGB routines. This will be much faster than drawing
800pixmaps, and it can be optimised so that you are only drawing the bits that
change every frame, so if only one 40*40 pixmap changes, you only have to redraw
that section as opposed to sending all of the pixmaps to the XServer.


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