Re: [gtk-list] Gtk-Perl & GnomeStock

Dr Noonian Soong wrote:
> I'm attempting to create a pixmap button using a GnomeStock button with
> the Perl bindings.  Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find the necessary
> wrapped functions to do so...  What I would like to do is something like
> this:
> ...
> my ($icon, $button);
> $icon = Gnome::Stock::pixmap_widget($window, 'Mail_New');
> $button = Gnome::Stock:pixmap_button($icon, 'New Mail');
> ...
> Unfortunately, pixmap_widget does not appear to be bound (only
> pixmap_widget_at_size).
I have reported this to Lupus (Paolo Molaro) who is fixing the bugs in the CVS repo so I guess that he will implement it sometime.

>  Is there another alternative that I don't seem to be finding? 
$widgets->{'button33'} = Gnome::Stock->button('Button_Ok' ); will create
a stock button. Check the Gnome docs/headers for an enum of all the possible
stock button type - gnome-libs/libgnomeui/gnome-stock.h if you have the 
gnome-libs sources.

> Also, the Perl bindings seems to want a blessed Gnome::Stock object in
> order to call Gnome::Stock::gnome_pixmap_button, which seems
> counter-intuitive, seeing as the c version takes no
> GnomeStock* parameter.  Additionally, what scheme is used for naming the
> stock objects?  According to the RDP docs, GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_MAIL_NEW,
> for example, is #defined as "New Mail".  Would that be the string literal
> to the perl binding, or would it desire something like 'Mail_New'?
gnome-libs/libgnomeui/gnome-stock.h shows "New Mail" so I would try that. 
Unlike Gtk, the string literals seem to bear no regular relationship to
the constant names, it looks like the enums were each coded to a different
standard - and who thought of "Button_Ok" with a little K? I ahve asked
Lupus for a module that would provide all the enums but he said it would
be difficult/unnecessary to generate from the header files in the same way 
that Keysyms are.

HTH, Dermot

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