
Ok... I just co'ed CVS gnome-perl

Here's the deal... Unless I am seriously missing something, Gtk::CList::find_row_by_data()
is broken.

It allways returns the CList.  ie:

$data = "test data";
$clist = new_with_titles Gtk::Clist("title1","title2","titel3");
$clist->set_row_data($row, \$data);
$row = $clist->find_row_by_data($data);
if ($row == $clist) { print "TRUE!!!"; }

Granted, this is not very real world, but it illistrates the point... find_row_by_data always
returns the CList widget.  Doesn't matter if I pass it $data or \$data it ALWAYS returns
the list... I can even do $row->append() type stuff... so I KNOW its THE list, not a reference
to a NEW clist with one row (as someone suggested it might be)


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