Selections behaviour


I've got a question about the Gtk/X selection mechanism.
Can it be consired as bad behaviour to take the ownership of a selection
when the selection action (LMB press for example) initiates and to
reclaim it every time the selection is changed (moving the the mouse
with LMB pressed for example) instead of taking the ownership when the
selection ends (LMB release for example)?
I'm asking this since apparently Nedit and Wordperfect do this and it's
quite annoying for the utility I'm developing. It a selection gateway
that should always have the ownership of the primary selection and when
it's taken from it, gets all the targets and target data from the new
owner to store it in a new buffer, then take the ownership back and
provide those targets itself.
With the behaviour of Nedit and Wordperfect, when the user selects
texts, the utility creates a new buffer for each mousemove during the

Anyone has more information about this and/or know a workaround?


Geert Bevin.

Geert Bevin -
Montenegrostraat 11      1060 Brussels
BELGIUM                   0477/302.599
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