Re: [gtk-list] Re: Re

> wrote:
> > In my program I use a foreground (parent) process as the
> > GUI-input and in the background runs a second process 
> > generated
> > with fork().
> I would highly recommend using the pthread libraries instead.  
I've also found
> that the gdk_input_add() function is very useful for this kind 
of programming.
> Please let me know what kind of luck you have ... 

The "_exit(0)" solution sufficed to solve the problem. I shall 
try the pthread library in a next version

> I'd be interested in knowing
> more about your app.  Sounds like a MIDI patcher?  What is the 
> external synth?

Experimental program, which I already used under Atari, 
Windows3.1, OS/2, Linux with the XForms Toolbox and now with the 
GTK Toolbox. The program controls a Roland JV 1080 and produces 
serial, aleatoric, microtonal, organized sound, which can be 
redirected via the soundcard to .wav-files, which can be written 
to CD. 

Thanks for your advice.

Dick Kampman

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