Re: [gtk-list] Re: Optimum way to set the width of a clist

In fact I've dropped the scrolled window and created a table with the
clist and 2 scrollbars that share the same adjustments. I think that the
procedure below also has to work with the scrolled window.
I'm setting doing gtk_widget_set_usize() on the containing window before
adding the clist and after gtk_window_set_wmclass() and
gtk_window_set_default_size(). The clist doesn't resize the window
anymore. If I recall correctly I did try by setting it on the clist and
that worked, but I set the size immediately after the creation of the

Hope this gets you a bit further.

> > Do a gtk_widget_set_usize() on the window or the clist widget. Strangely
> > this only needs to be done once (for example when you show the widget
> > the first time).
>         When I show the clist, it's empty. The user clicks on a button and the clist is
> filled. Then I do column_autosize() of clist. The result is a window of 2037
> pixels width. Then I set horizontal scroll policy to AUTOMATIC and set_usize()
> (I'm tried this with the toplevel, the scrolled window and the clist) to 1280.
> The scrolled window resizes itself to the minimum clist's width. Then I click
> (only click) in the resize areas (provided by WM) of the toplevel window and the
> scrolled window takes my set_usize() values (or aprox) ...

Geert Bevin -
Montenegrostraat 11      1060 Brussels
BELGIUM                   0477/302.599
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