Perl/Gtk CVS 19990920

Hi Lupus,

Great work, I have a few questions.

* Gtk::Clock - I guess that this is not in CVS yet?
    while trying to eval '$widgets->{'clock2'}->type('realtime' );'
    FAILED with Eval error 'Unknown argument type of GtkClock at ... 

  I tried using set() but then I got this:
    while trying to eval '$widgets->{'clock2'}->set('type', 'realtime' );'
    FAILED with Eval error 'Usage: Gtk::Label::set(self, string) at ....
  I don't understand what's wrong.

* Gtk::Layout->new(undef, undef) doesn't work, not in CVS yet?

* Gtk::Pixmap->set_build_insensitive('0'); suddenly doesn't work. I have 
  used Gtk::Pixmap->set('build_insensitive', '0'); instead, is this correct?

I will check for a new version in a couple of days and test the rest of
the changes then.

Thanks again, regards Dermot

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