Re: [gtk-list] About multi threads

Hi, Jiang
> I use gtk with multi-threads but met some problems:
> if I use the "g_thread_init(NULL)" in the main() function, then the
> other thread function can not access the widget which is created in the
> main() function. But if I do not use g_thread_init(NULL), then
> everything is fine, all threads can access the widgets.
> I wonder why?
> Also, if I do not use g_thread_init(NULL), then there will be the
> problem of simultaneously accessing.
> The following is a simple sample code.
> 1. There is a thread function called:  "the_ui_thread()"
>      In that function, there is a loop which continuely recieve the
> message(simply a integer) from the server and then display it in an
> entry (which is a global widget and is created by create_window() in
> main())
> 2.    In the main(), I will add more callback function (such as button
> clicked).
> What I want to do is:
> 1.  Both threads can access the widgets
> 2.  Each time, when a thread is running, only after it runs all the
> functions in it(fully completed),then it can change to the other thread.
> I test many ways to do that, but all failed.
> Any one can help me?? Please teach me ASAP
> Thanks!!!!!

First of all, the test program is not standalone, and thus not very helpful.
on the other hand your problem seems to be here:

>      gdk_threads_enter();
>      while(1)
>      {
>                msgrcv(msqid,&buf,sizeof(struct msgbuf),1,0);
>                sprintf(tempstring,"%d",buf.mtext);
>                gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry1),tempstring);
>                gtk_widget_show(window1);
>       }
>     gdk_threads_leave();

Try instead something like:

                msgrcv(msqid,&buf,sizeof(struct msgbuf),1,0);

your sample code locks out all other gtk calls during the while(1) loop, that
means effectivly forever.

Sebastian Wilhelmi                   |            här ovanför alla molnen           |      är himmlen så förunerligt blå   |

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