Re: GtkPaned and resize

>> Javi <> writes:
>>     I have created a GtkPaned in a scrolled window. When I move the paned
>> widget the main window resize automatically!!!
>> You probably have the auto_shrink policy set on the toplevel window.
>> In general, auto_shrink is rather evil and should be avoided.
>hm, he claims to have the paned put into a scrolled window, and according
>to scrolled windows resize move, it should catch that, resize and not propagete
>any further. if that is the case, it'd  be a bug in gtk (probably unlikely,
>we've been through that code more than a couple of times). the GtkWindow
>should even with auto-shrink only resize if a resize has been queued on
>widgets above the viewport window hirarchy as well.
>javi, could you send source, or better yet, provide a simple test case
>that exhibits behaviour?

Sorry, i have not put the paned "into" a scrolled window. This wasn't a gtk-bug,
my source code was:



    gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (mainwindow), vboxmain);

	scroll_win_left = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
    scroll_win_right = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);

	hpaned_split = gtk_hpaned_new();
	gtk_paned_add1 (GTK_PANED(hpaned_split), scroll_win_left);
	gtk_paned_add2 (GTK_PANED(hpaned_split), scroll_win_right);


    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(vboxmain), hpaned_split, FALSE, TRUE, 2);


  Owen Taylor had reason:

> You probably have the auto_shrink policy set on the toplevel window.
> In general, auto_shrink is rather evil and should be avoided.

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