Re: [gtk-list] glib/gdk/gtk thread safety during startup

Hi, Paul 

> i can't initialize GTK from my main thread - my main thread is not the
> thread that communicates with the X server. Once the GTK thread gets
> running, it is the only thread that ever communicates with the X
> server (i.e. its the only thread that uses any Gtk--, GTK+ or glib
> functions), which ought to prevent thread-related problems. But it
> does not. Instead, the only way to prevent the problem seems to ensure
> that the glib/gdk/gtk libraries are fully loaded and initialized
> before any pthread is created.
> there is a very, very good inverse correlation to the likelihood of
> all of the GTK libs being memory-resident, and the chance of a
> random-ish core dump. if its likely that loading the GTK libraries
> will take a while, and my program will create a pthread in the
> meantime, then i am almost certain to crash.

I have no idea, what that could be. I've imlemented a short example myself. It
runs fine on solaris and linux (in both cases dynamically linked of course)
and it works. So please provide a test case or track it down yourself.

Sebastian Wilhelmi                   |            här ovanför alla molnen           |      är himmlen så förunerligt blå   |

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