Re: [gtk-list] Gtk-Perl: Gtk::Toolbar::append_item

On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 06:03:29PM -0500, Noonian wrote:
> I'm using Gtk-Perl cvs 19990930 and noticed the following "problem" with
> the Gtk::Toolbar::append_item:
> #line 32 "GtkToolbar.xs"
> 	RETVAL = gtk_toolbar_append_item(toolbar, text, tooltip_text,
> tooltip_private_text, icon, NULL, NULL);
> Note that NULL is passed in for the callback and user_data params.  Should
> these not pass in NULL only if those params are not specified, and
> otherwise pass them in?  The urgency of this modification is very low since
> the RETVAL of gtk_toolbar_append_item is the widget that was appended, so
> one can simply signal_connect the RETVAL.  This change would need to be
> made to append_item, prepend_item, insert_item, append_element,
> prepend_element, and insert_element

The C API of that functions is not suitable for the perl bindings and they 
have already too many arguments:-)
The return val was added to the C API just to make things cleaner and
allow the perl bindings to work better with toolbars, so adding the item
and then connecting the signals is the proper way to do it as far as I'm


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