I'm having some trouble with GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK ... although I
understand the need to avoid having motion events "pile up" while your
application is processing them, the behavior of MOTION_HINT_MASK on my
system doesn't seem to match what I've read about it.  As an example, the
Scribble tutorial reads as follows:

"When we specify GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK, the server sends us a motion
event the first time the pointer moves after entering our window, or after a
button press or release event. Subsequent motion events will be suppressed
until we explicitly ask for the position of the pointer ..."

... Yet when I run Scribble, if I press-and-hold the mouse button, I get a
steady stream of motion-notify events, which doesn't seem to jive with
what's written above.  Am I missing something?

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