compiling glib

Hi everybody,

I am new here. I am a Naval architect who wrote naval architectural apps for
DOS. Since for private linux is my favorite OS and customers are getting
interested in linux I would like to experiment with programming under linux. I
want to use gtk and glib. 

I have a problem installing glib-1.2.5. This problem occurs when typing "make"
after "./configure". See below. I do not know what information to give you so
please react. By the way I use egcs 2.91.66 (1.1.2 release)

I hope you can help me,

/usr/include/bits/errno.h:25: linux/errno.h:25 No such file or directory #{this
file does exist}
make[2]: ***[giounix..lo] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory............................

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