Re: [gtk-list] Re: ld32 warnings on SGI IRIX

> These are quite normal warnings for the IRIX linker. Which gcc version do
> you use (try "gcc -v" to find out)? Gcc 2.95.2 behaves much better than
> gcc 2.8.1, so try to upgrade to gcc 2.95.2. Gcc 2.95.2 does a much better
> job on optimisation, it is at level with the SGI MipsPRO compiler.

	proteus:spl> gcc -v
	Reading specs from
	gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)

Should I upgrade?

> So far, the WARNING 85 haven't bit me, and I use GTK on IRIX for over a
> year. If you are really annoyed, edit the gcc specs file, find the '*link"
> line and change "-woff 131" into "-woff 131,85". Watch out: in this way
> you also won't be warned about symbol clashes that *will* bite!

It doesn't bother me, but I'm sure my lusers will be confused.  Some
apps also complain at run time.

> for IRIX freeware

That's a new one to me.  I'll bookmark it right away.


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