Re: [gtk-list] configure_event_release...?

On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, John C Atkeson wrote:
>   Is there a way to detect when a user has resized a drawing area (when
> he's resized the window) and then - released his mouse button?  

No way to do it - the window manager has the mouse grab, the events aren't
going to your application (other than the configure events).
>   The reason I ask is because I have big fat graphics that take almost a
> second to refresh; I want to wait till the user has finished resizing and
> has let go of the mouse before I even start to redraw the image.     

A solution is probably to redraw in an idle function or a very short
timeout. For the idle function case, you would be hoping the event queue
stayed busy during the resize (probably won't though). For the timeout,
you would remove and re-install the timeout on every configure_event, so
you only redraw if the timeout length elapses with no motion.

Users can always turn off opaque resize. :-)


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