[gtk-list] Perl-Gtk basic problems

	Hi all.
	I'm newbe in Gtk+ and I need all the help you (masters) can give
me. I'm doing a simple proyect in perl/gtk, and I made the UI in Glade, so
after using Glade-Perl modules to convert the code in perl/gtk I have
serious problems doing subs to put text in a text field or get from there,
make a list, and that basics things... i looked a ref-tutorial with the
functions but it doesn't work!! please HELP ME!

here is my sub and I just need to know how make a sub to put a list (text)
in a CList called {'list_1_lista_amigos'} . Please answer with the exactly
code to replace it , or teach me how work perl/gtk because I don't
understand the code generated by glade (in perl/gtk) very well and i don't
found any manual or good tutorial for Perl-Gtk (please give me some url to
found one) :

sub on_bonton_1_buscar_clicked {
    my ($class, $data, $object, $instance) = @ARG;
    my $me = __PACKAGE__."->on_bonton_1_buscar_clicked";
    # Get ref to hash of all widgets on our form
    my $form = $__PACKAGE__::all_forms->{$instance};

	What i'm doing wrong??? what must i do to it works?!

Pd: I insist! i need a on-line manual of Perl-Gtk. Thanks

*  Luis Felipe Piccolini Marfull  *   / __ \(_)___  ___*
*    Ingenieria en Computacion    *  / /_/ / / __ \/ _ \
*      Universidad de Chile       * / ____/ / /_/ /  __/
* mailto:lpiccoli@dcc.uchile.cl   */_/   /_/ .___/___/*
* ICQ: 41580700                   *       /_/          *
* http://cipres.cec.uchile.cl/~lpiccoli                *
* "No juzgues a un libro por su tapa...                *
*      juzgalo por sus monitos (imagenes)."  Pipe      *

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