Why is system visual == DefaultVisual?


I am using gtk/gnome on a Solaris system here at our school.
Right from the start there has been problems with the visuals of the gtk
applications, because the X-server's root window is configured to use an
8-bit PseudoColor visual (don't ask me why, it's the factory setting).

The problem is that gdk_visual_get_system returns the result of the
DefaultVisual Xlib call, which on my system at least just returns the
visual of the root window. This means all gtk applications get an 8-bit
visual, which is bad because there are not that many of them, and why
use 8 bits, when there are better visuals?

Does anyone know if there is a reason not to use a TrueColor or
DirectColor 24-bit visual if there is one available as the default
visual in gtk? 

As things are now, there are a lot of program crashes due to "Bad Match"
in the X-server, which I guess is related to this.



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