FW: [gtk-list] Re: GLib 1.2.2

Hi Robert or anyone may help me.

I have the same problem to configure the gtk+-1.2.* too.

When I try:

it's working fine and finally GTK had installed. But when I compiled a simple program which in the tutorial, I got a error message something like unable to find "glibconfig.h". (I'm using RH5.2)

the command line :

gcc base.c -o base 'gtk-config --cflags --libs'

I tough this error message appear because of the configured GLIB* and GTK* wrongly. I re-installed RH5.2, and try to compiled a program(without upgrade or install new GLIB and GTK), I got the same error message too.

I have been configured GTK for few week but still didn't get it done. Please help me!

-----Original Message-----
From:	robert_gasch@peoplesoft.com [SMTP:robert_gasch@peoplesoft.com]
Sent:	Wednesday, May 12, 1999 4:22 PM
To:	gtk-list@redhat.com
Subject:	[gtk-list] Re: GLib 1.2.2


This should do the trick, assuming you installed your Glib1.2.2 under /usr/local/ ...
* >Robert

Cyril Déchelette <cde@multizoom.com> on 05/12/99 07:59:21 AM
Please respond to gtk-list@redhat.com
To:	gtk-list@redhat.com
cc:	(bcc: Robert Gasch/PeopleSoft)
Subject:	[gtk-list] GLib 1.2.2

i've installed the Glib1.2.2 on my linux redhat 5.2
The make and make install process complete.
When i try to configure GTK+1.2, i've got an error message telling me that
the glib 1.2.2 version
wasn't installed on my system.
I think i need to set some system variables but i don't seen any docs about.
Can someone help me

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