Re: [gtk-list] Re: To imlib or not to imlib?]]

On Tue, 11 May 1999, D. Jackson Peacock wrote:

> Do you know of any libraries that can read images in many formats  keeping
> transparency? Imlib does this but I don't want all the other things it 
> does.  Btw, is there a central place to look for linux librarbies?
You can use the loading functions from ImLib and proceed with your
own stuff then.  Alternatively you can borrow some code from ImLib to
make it independent from it.  In my image viewer paul-0.0.9
 ( )
I used the ImLib mechanism for loading the images.  OK, I also render
the Images with ImLib, but only because I don't know a better than this
naive way.  This is possibly a subject of change.

But you can have a look at it.  First I use ImLibs loading mechanism
(have a look at paulload.c and compare with imlibs load.c.  Due to
Rasters behaviour not to declare functions statically which should
in my opinion be not visible outside I can use many of them ... it's
not clean, so I recommend to avoid that (!!!) but it helped me for
this time.  My reason for doing this was to read special chunks from
PNG files and tags from TIFF files, so I replaced the ImLib loading
routines for these formats. (By the way, ImLib has problems reading
monochrome PNGs which my routine hasn't ... I have to tell this fact
Raster but hadn't found the time.) 

After this I do some image processing with the rgb_data and than
I create the ImLib structures to render the images.  (Proposals
how to do a faster rendering with cached images for an image
animation are very welcome!!!).

Kind regards


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